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Medicine and Spirituality



There is no spirituality separate from physicality; there is also no physicality lacking spirituality.


​ 2016 春秋社刊





Medicine and Spirituality

We are inherently spiritual. In other words, we are not only the physical body. Modern medical science sees an individual life as a physical body consisting of trillions of cells. However, in the course of our life, experience of illness, aging and dying may lead to deeper insights, revealing to us a wider view of existence – a dynamic unity of physical, psychological and spiritual strata. 

I use the word 霊性reisei (spirituality) to refer to the source of primary life, full of subtle energy that flows and functions vividly throughout our being born, aging, ailing and dying.  

To develop a holistic approach to medicine and spirituality, it is worthwhile to include the empirical wisdom of traditional and complementary medicine as well as modern medical science.

Spiritual healthcare does not necessarily depend on elaborate facilities. A spiritual approach to healthcare is not restricted only to the hospital setting; it can apply also to a clinic or at home or anywhere else if the healthcare practitioner is conscious of the spiritual aspect of life. In this sense, I strongly hope that many healthcare practitioners become aware of spirituality, live in spirituality, and serve with spirituality.    

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